Suicides Spark Queer-Friendly Youth Program
Premier Dalton McGuinty recently drafted new legislation to stop bullying in schools after the suicide of 15-year-old Jamie Hubley, a queer youth from Ottawa. A new BC residential youth program is doing its part in supporting queer youth being subjected to bullying. The program is designed to help youth develop strong self esteem, make smart choices, and improve the quality of their life for the rest of their lives.
For Immediate Release:
Contact: Daniel Richard, BrainWave Optimum Brain Training 3140 Lakeshore Rd. Suite 110, Kelowna, BC 250-448-8544 questions[at]
Suicides Spark Queer-Friendly Youth Program
(Kelowna, BC, December 2, 2011) The recent suicide of 15-year-old Jamie Hubley, a boy who was a target as an openly gay student at his Ottawa school, touched an international nerve, with teens from around North America flooding the Internet with tribute songs, videos and messages in response. To address these timely concerns, Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, has introduced an anti-bullying bill to reach into the lives of students most affected by taunts, slurs, and worse in school.
"This is a way to draw what painful lessons we might from those terrible tragedies, and to give some meaning to those tragedies, by taking concrete steps to make our schools safer for all our kids," he said. Recent suicides of queer teens who were bullied were "absolutely" on his mind as the new bill was drafted, said McGuinty. "Students should feel free to be who they are at school, regardless of ethnicity, faith, culture, gender or sexual orientation", added McGuinty.
News stories like the suicides mentioned highlight the fact that queer and questioning youth are at a higher risk for all kinds of dangers. Students who experience bullying can experience tremendous benefit from a new residential youth program based in Kelowna, BC. The queer-friendly program for "youth at risk" helps support these kids. This innovative recovery and wellness youth program is designed to help youth bring their best selves forward and get their lives back on track. This is the first and only residential youth program to integrate Brainwave Optimization, a cutting-edge technology that balances and optimizes brain patterns, to more powerfully help these young people develop strong self-esteem, confidence and the security within themselves to make better choices.
The program also provides a fully structured and inspirational environment that supports and nurtures queer youth in overcoming various obstacles in their lives. Through coordinated efforts and individualized action plans youth will learn a wide variety of skills, so they can return to their homes feeling recharged, fully equipped with the tools they need, and able to maintain their newly balanced sense of self. Queer youth will go home with life skills that will help them be their best selves, make smart choices and greatly improve the quality of their life, not only now, but for the rest of their lives.
Learn more about these youth programs here:
Happiness is not a matter of events, it depends upon the tides of the mind.~ Alice Meynell, Women’s Suffragette
Contact: Daniel Richard, BrainWave Optimum Brain Training 3140 Lakeshore Rd. Suite 110, Kelowna, BC 250-448-8544 questions[at]
Find out more about this
Queer-Friendly Youth Program.